Monthly archives: August, 2014

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Hot Dub Time Machine


Fun at the Edinburgh Fringe continues well into the night and dancing wise, NOTHING comes close to the Hot Dub Time Machine experience.

I’ve previously blogged about rock clubs being lazy and consequently losing custom in a difficult marketplace – this is by no means limited to the alternative scene, and HDTM makes a mockery of any generic club you’ve ever had the misfortune to visit. Over the course of 4 hours DJ Tom Loud mixes and mashes up tracks and videos from every year since the 1950s right up to the present day, making it extremely difficult for anyone to visit the bar for fear of missing another banger.

It’s the kind of night that sounds like an awful melting pot of styles, but somehow it works, and works spectacularly. The best club nights are undoubtedly always the ones that feel like a gig, where EVERYBODY is facing the stage and there is plenty for you to watch as well as dance to. This experience is normally reserved only for superclubs with big-name DJs, so to get *this* level of experience for just £12.50 is fantastic value for money.

It’s important to note that he is clearly mixing live too,and the fact that Tom looks like he is having the time of his life on stage doesn’t do any harm either. for more details!

Edinburgh Fringe Review: David Morgan and Deborah Frances-White


Picking a few highlights from Edinburgh Fringe, another comedian we loved was David Morgan.

And if you have the slightest interest in social media, it’s well worth checking out David Morgan: Social Tool at the Underbelly, every day at 5.30pm. David talks us through how to deal with social media faux pas, how to defriend on Facebook, how to create the perfect background for selfies, and respond to what he calls ‘time shifted rejection’.

He is both instantly likable and hilarious in his delivery. One to watch for sure.



My third ‘daytime’ highlight was the fantastic Deborah Frances-White’s ‘Half a can of worms’ show. I’ve previously enjoyed her ‘How to get almost anyone to want to sleep with you’ at the fringe so was keen to check her new show based around the story of her tracking down her birth parents.

What follows is an intimate 75 minute story of heartbreak, family, love and euphoria delivered with humour, passion and energy by Deborah, raising the all-important question – can you ever leave a half-open can of worms?!

She’s on at the Pleasance at 3.45pm daily.

Edinburgh Fringe Festival Review – Andrew O Neill’s History of Heavy Metal

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I’m just back from a weekend at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival and Kerrang! wise, one of the most interesting shows was Andrew O’Neill’s ‘History of Heavy Metal’ show.

It’s unbelievable fun if you’re a metalhead, but if you have only a passing interest in rock music it is still fascinating to see Andrew tell the story, right from the 19th century – apparently! – to the present day. He concludes that now, 2014, is the best time ever to be a metalhead, because you have all the old bands that have come before still releasing music and playing live, AND everything that’s come since. A nice response for the next time someone claims ‘rock music is not what it used to be’ or words to that effect.

I caught up with him whilst in Edinburgh, and you can hear the full interview on my Kerrang! Radio show on Saturday from 10am.

If you’re off to the Fringe, it’s on at the Pleasance Dome until August 24th. If you’re not, you can check out his show in London (with a full band!) at Highbury Garage on Thursday 25th September.